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Homeopathic Remedies and How They are Made

Dr. Halina O'Neill

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

By: Dr. Halina O'Neill

Tubes of Homeopathic Remedy tablets.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe and effective system of medicine and has been used by millions of people worldwide for over 200 years. The virtue of Homeopathy lies in the recognition of the amazing ability of our body to heal itself. For instance, when you cut your finger, your body immediately initiates the process of healing; it closes the wound and heals the injury. But sometimes, your body is not strong enough to complete the healing process, or does not have the information required to activate the healing pathway, making this information susceptible to getting lost in the body’s informational network. Homeopathic medicine enhances and speeds up the process of healing, acts as an informant to the energetic fields of your body, and also activates healing pathways.

Homeopathic medicines are manufactured according to the highest standards, complying with the specifications of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States and is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug administration. One of the most recommended and well-known Homeopathic Pharmacy in the United States is “Boiron USA”.

How are They Made?

Homeopathic medicines, also called remedies, are made from plants, animals, and mineral extracts, which are highly diluted, resulting in the elimination of any side effects or toxic properties from the original substance.

The process of making homeopathic remedies is very precise. For remedies derived from soluble substances, such as plants and animals, the raw material is dissolved in an alcohol and water mixture. That mixture is then left to stand for 2-4 weeks, shaken occasionally, and then strained. The resulting liquid is known as ‘mother tincture’ or just, ‘tincture’.

Insoluble substances, such as gold, calcium carbonate, and graphite, must first be made soluble by a process known as trituration, in which they are ground continually until they become soluble, and then made into mother tincture.

Remedy Potencies

To produce homeopathic remedies, the mother tincture is then diluted with water and succussed, (shaken vigorously).

Two systems, (or scales), are used in producing different remedy potencies (or strengths) which are:

1. The Decimal scale (X) – Measures one part of original mother tincture and 9 parts of water.

2. The Centesimal scale (C) - Measures one part of original mother tincture and 99 parts of water.

To produce 1C potency of the Coffea remedy, for example, one drop of mother tincture is added to 99 drops of water and succussed. To produce 2C potencies of the Coffea remedy, one drop of the 1C Coffea mixture is added to 99 drops of water and succussed again. The number on the homeopathic remedies shows how many times it has been diluted. For example, Coffea 6C has been diluted six times using the above described process. By then, the dilution of the original substance will be one part in a billion. The more dilute the remedy, the stronger it is. (Coffea 30C is stronger, (more potent), than Coffea 6C).

For ease of use, lactose (milk & sugar) tablets, pillules, or granules are infused with the remedy and sold over the counter in airtight and sunlight-protected vials or bottles.

How does Homeopathy work?

The way Homeopathy works presents challenges to bio-molecular medical research in the sense that homeopathic medicines are energetic in nature, not by material substance. Homeopathy represents a different paradigm of medicine, a bio-energetic paradigm that is centered on the Vital Force, (the energy of life), which governs all activity in the human body.

For medical research purposes, only low potencies are possible to work in the accepted pharmacological sense, creating a true chemical reaction. For homeopathic remedies at 12C potencies or higher, there are no measurable presences of the original substance left in the solution; the remedy will work based on different principles, rather than just chemistry.

There have been several double-blind clinical trials showing the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines, published in the mainstream and peer-reviewed British Medical Journal, The Lancet, and The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, among others. The National Institute of Health has also recently founded a study on the homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injuries. (See sources below).

Scientist, Jacque Benveniste in a laboratory.

One of the most celebrated pieces of research of Homeopathy was published in the scientific journal “Nature” in June 1988 by Professor Jacque Benveniste of Paris. He reported that the homeopathically prepared delusion of Anti-IgE had a measurable influence on white blood cells.

He observed that water retains an imprint of the original molecule even in the absence of the molecule, after the homeopathic preparation of the substance has been applied. In his opinion, the transmission of biological information could be related to the molecular organization of water and water’s ability to store information. (See source below).

Homeopathy in the Modern World

Much research is needed for Homeopathy. A better explanation of Homeopathy might be within the study of Biophysics, a new emerging field of medical science, that is supported by the quantum field theory and advanced mathematical theories. Until recently, this new emerging paradigm of Homeopathy was completely ignored by medical science professionals, whom were busily hunting for new microbes or bacteria. The Quantum Physics Theory has been a basis for great advances in science over the years, although not much of it has been implemented in the science of medicine. It seems that medical researchers have still been championing the molecular paradigm by continuing to develop another new and more powerful drug, affecting the human biochemistry and causing numerous side effects and imbalances in the human body.

Today, we are at the dawn of integration of new scientists’ theories into medical sciences. There is a growing body of evidence that the controlling influence is not biochemical, but biophysical. Indeed, it accords well with the concept of the Vital Force by Hanheman, the Father of Homeopathy. (See source below)



Amara, J., Beauvais, F., Belon, P., Benveniste, J., Davenas, E., Fortner, P., Miadonnai, A., Oberbaum, M., Poitevin, B., Pomeranz, B., Robinzon, B., Sainte-Laudy, J., Tedeschi, A. (1988). Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE. Nature: International Journal of Science. 333. 816-818.

Bellavite M.D., Paolo. Signorini M.D., Andrea. (1995). The Emerging Science of Homeopathy: Complexity, Biodynamics, and Nanopharmacology. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Boiron USA. (Last Updated: 2019). Our Story. <>.

The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. (Website last updated: 2019). <>

The British Medical Journal. (Website last updated: 2019). <>.

Chapman, EH., Milburn, MA., Pirozzi, TO., Weintraub, RJ., Woo, E. (1999). Homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 14(6). 521-42.•Homeopathic%20Treatment%20of%20Mild%20Traumatic%20Brain%20Injury:%20A%20Randomized,%20Double-Blind,%20Placebo-Controlled%20Clinical%20Trial%5ball%5d&cmd=correctspelling#

Hahnemann, Dr. Samuel. (1996). Organon of the Medical Art. USA: Wenda Brewster O'Reilly.

Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. (Originally Published: 1897). The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. <>.

The Lancet. (Website last updated: 2019). <>.

Lockie, Dr. Andrew. Geddes, Dr. Nicola. (1995). Homeopathy: The Principles & Practice of Treatment. New York, NY: DK Publishing, Inc.

National Center for Homeopathy. Homeopathy: Natural Medicine for the 21st Century. Alexandria, VA: National Center for Homeopathy. <>

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Essence Acupuncture
Dr. Halina O' Neill

200 West Camino Real, Suite L

Boca Raton, FL 33432

(561) 251 6676

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